Warm food - Page 4 of 6 - Frederikke Wærens
Chili con carne
Chili con carne
Peanutbutter nudler
Peanut butter noodles
Græskarrisotto med timian og gulerod
Pumpkin risotto with thyme and carrot
Bagt græskarsuppe med urtecreme
Baked pumpkin soup with herb cream
Bagt tomatsuppe med grilled cheese sandwich
Baked tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich
Bagt cookie dough havregrød
Baked cookie dough porridge
Greek potatoes
Hurtig nudelret (tiktok ramen)
Quick noodles (tiktok ramen)
Mac and cheese
Mac and cheese
Butter chicken med kyllingekødboller
Butter chicken with chicken meatballs
Crunch tacos
Crunch tacos
Overnight oats med hindbær
Overnight oats with raspberries