All Recipes - Page 15 of 37 - Frederikke Wærens

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Empty the fridge
Tyrkiske æg
Turkish Eggs
Verdens bedste røræg
The world’s best scrambled eggs
Pasta i peberfrugtsauce
Pasta in bell pepper sauce
Friteret rispapir med laks
Fried rice paper with salmon
Bananbrud med chokolade
Banana buns with chocolate
Luftig kage med chokoladefrosting
A light cake with chocolate frosting
Overnight oats med banan og kakao
Overnight oats with banana and cocoa
Chili con carne
Chili con carne
S'mores kage
S’more’s cake
Twistede dobbeltkarameller
Twisted double caramels
Kandiseret appelsinskal
Candied orange peel
Peanutbutter nudler
Peanut butter noodles