Homemade falafel with pita bread - Frederikke Wærens
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Homemade falafel with pita bread

Delicious crispy homemade falafels served with homemade pita bread. These crispy falafels are so delicious and really easy to make. They’re packed with hot spices and amazing flavor. I fried the falafels to get them as crispy as possible. They can also be baked in the oven at 200 C for about 30 minutes. Serve the falafels in pitta bread with vegetables, dressingchili oil and, e.g., pickled red onion. Easy homemade fast food. Enjoy!

Homemade falafel with pita bread

Recipe for 4-6 persons
Prep 15 mins
Cook 15 mins
Total 30 mins


Falafel (makes about 25 small falafels)



Put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender and process it to an even mince. The mince should be firm and not too wet. If the mince is a little too wet, add a little more flour, bread crumbs or oatmeal. Let the falafel mince cool while you heat the oil.

Heat the oil in a pot. Dip a toothpick into the hot oil—if it sizzles and bubbles around it, the oil is warm. Shape the falafel mince into small equal falafels. Fry the falafels in the oil until crisp and golden. It will take a couple of minutes. Let the falafels drip off on a paper towel. Serve the falafels while they are still warm. Enjoy!


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